Quick Facts About Bidet Benefits – A professional tip about the Bidet. An Elegant Solution for Comfort, Health, Happiness, Ecology, and Economy. The Device That Can Save Your Health.
- Bidets cost from $29 to $3,780.
- Over 30 models are less than $100. All models available from Sanliv catalog.
- With many bidets you never touch yourself nor wipe yourself, and you end up much cleaner.
- Most models are anti-bacterial and essentially self-sterilizing.
- Many models easily attach to an existing toilet, and use the existing water supply.
- The FDA classifies some models as Durable Medical Equipment
- Bidets benefit at least 12 common medical conditions
- By eliminating toilet paper bidets use less water than toilets
- By eliminating toilet paper bidets save over 15 million trees yearly
- Toilet paper production uses at least 473,587,500,000 gallons of water each year.
- Toilet paper production uses 17,000,000,000 Kilowatt hours of electricity each year. The EPA estimates this could power 2 million homes.
As you see, Modern bidets are a huge benefit to the environment. Bidets are also save you a lot of money, the better you try, you will maximize those savings.
- Bidets are not dirty – they are much cleaner than toilets;
- Bidets leave you cleaner – just like washing your hands, water is better for cleaning;
- Bidets are not weird – they’ve been used for over 200 years by millions of normal people all around the world. In Argentina your house loses value if it does not have a bidet;
- Many doctors are now recommending bidets as good medicine;
- Everything known about all bidets is in the category of Portable bidet attachment;
China Sanliv is a professional supplier, offering European quality and chinese manufacturing prices. We offer various bidets, like bidet faucet, portable bidet attachment, shattaf bidet, white bidet spary hose, bidet spray holder. Find more at Sanliv catalog.