Cartucho de torneira de banheira e dicas de reparo de torneira de banheira em Comece examinando várias torneiras de banheira e listando todos os recursos que você pode encontrar. Em seguida, imagine a aparência exata da torneira da banheira que você gostaria. Finalmente, liste especificamente os recursos que você gostaria que sua torneira de banho tivesse. Then compare your mental picture and chosen faucet features to what is available, and find a match.
Bathtub Faucet Cartridge
The best quality bathtub faucets you’ll find – and the easiest installation, também – probably means a single-piece faucet with a washerless cartridge. This type of tub faucet has no washers and no springs, greatly reducing the chance of leaks. The cartridge itself has minimal parts, which translates to greater durability and reliability, probably for many years. A ceramic disc cartridge will best withstand heavy and variable water pressure. And many of these bathtub faucet cartridges come with a lifetime warranty, so if you ever have a leak or corrosion problem, you can replace it at no cost.
Conserto de torneiras de banheira
What could possibly be more annoying and distracting than a leaky bathtub faucet? And depending on the type of leak, you may have a legitimate concern that there is a leak in the pipes behind the walls, which could lead to a more costly structural repair or even a health-threatening growth of mold. So it’s important to spot a problem and take care of it quickly. The tub faucet itself may have a scratched or torn cartridge, damaged o-ring, or a grommet may have gone bad. Before you call a plumber, your first and cheapest step is to replace the cartridge and see if that corrects your problem.