手持ち式ビデシャワー, イスラム教徒のシャワーまたは潅水シャワーとも呼ばれます. ハンドヘルドビデスプレーの価格は、トイレのビデシートと比較してかなり安いです. 地球資源の節約とお金の節約を同時に実現する最新のアイデアの 1 つ. トイレットペーパーは購入するのに高価であり、製造時にかなりの天然資源を消費します. The production process is also reliant on bleaching agents and other polluting chemicals. Both manufacturing and distribtution impact carbon emmissions.
A shower bidet allows you to clean your intimate areas with a soothing spray of fresh water whilst sitting on the toilet. Hygiene and cleanliness that paper alone can never achieve.
Typical uses for the Hand held Bidet Showers
Bidet shower – Allows you to comfortably sit on the toilet and enjoy the gentle and soothing benefits of cleaning your most sensitive areas with cool fresh running water.The Bidet Shower gives you the most flexibility of use compared to bidets that take up space and only spray from a fixed position or from the rear of the commode.
Feminine Hygiene – The Douche spray shower delivers fresh water, cleansing is the most soothing and enjoyable way to achieve the highest level freshness and good hygiene. This mini shower is especially useful for new mothers and during menstruation, replacing the old style douche.
Hemorrhoids – Tissue paper can be irritating and even painful. Doctors recommend a cool water rinse for any type of edema or swelling in the perineal area. Easier and more soothing with a bidet hand shower.
Shaving – The ultimate way to rinse shaving cream off legs, faces and razors. The shut off showers On / Off lever saves time and water.The douche shower is great for rinsing beards when trimming or coloring.
Istinja – Muslim shower for performing your istinja ablutions, Shattaf bidet spray, Shattaf muslim showers
Toilet Cleaning shower – Makes cleaning toilet bowl so much easier. The shut off showers On / Off lever on the actual shower head allows complete control of the water jet, saves time and water, allowing you to clean faster and easier with this toilet cleaning spray shower. More hygenic than a brush
Hairdressers – Wash your clients hair with ease water controlled at the push of the on / off lever on the Shut Off shower head.
Nappy / Diaper – Wash off soiled nappies / diapers into the toilet bowl before putting in the washing machine with the nappy shower
最後に – Ask your self, if a piece of poo landed on your arm would you be happy to just wipe it away with a piece of toilet paper?
Bidet shower head, hose and wall bracket – All in one buy at SANLIV handheld bidet sprayer.