Single Handle Shower Faucet Repair: Find the single lever shower valve leaking problems and fix the leaky shower mixer taps. Removing the shower faucet handle is the first step! Shower and other bathroom equipment require upgrading after a certain period of time. Not only the bathroom doors get worn with time, but your shower valves too need repairing. Since it regulates the … [続きを読む...] about Single Handle Shower Faucet Valve Repair
Fix Water Leak
滴るキッチンや浴室の蛇口を修理する方法? Nobody likes a dripping faucet. 今日, we’re going to show you how to repair your dripping faucet with relative ease.Your faucet uses simple valves that control the flow of water. There are multiple types of valves within your faucet that control water flow: compression, disk, ball, and cartridge to name a few of the more … [続きを読む...] about How to Fix a Dripping Kitchen or Bathroom Faucet
水道蛇口や器具の修理に必要な共通部品. 4種類の蛇口の部品と修理方法. キッチンの蛇口や浴室の設備に迷惑な水漏れが発生し、修理が必要になる場合があります。. 蛇口は4種類あります, そしてあなたのタイプに応じて, それぞれに独特の部分があるので、よく理解しておく必要があります. 蛇口の種類は4種類 … [続きを読む...] 水道蛇口・器具修理の共用部品について
How to check and fix hidden water leaks in your kitchen and bathroom. Find out how to detect hidden water leaks in your home using water meter, food coloring and paper towels. Damaging water leaks in your home are often quite easy to identify and fix. Major breaks in water pipes are noticed right away and the damage can be repaired rather quickly. What you may not realize is … [続きを読む...] about How to detect water leaks in your kitchen and bathroom
Repairing a Faucet when Water Leaks under the Sink
Repairing a Faucet when Water Leaks under the Sink. A leaking faucet can be extremely frustrating and annoying because it makes a continuous noise. If the problem occurs under the sink then there are quite a few different things that you can do to repair the problem and stop the leaking faucet from being so annoying. If a leaking faucet isn't caught early enough it can … [続きを読む...] about Repairing a Faucet when Water Leaks under the Sink