How to choose a pullout or pull-down spray kitchen faucet? Single handle kitchen faucet with pull down spout Buying Guide. Pullout spray Kitchen Faucets offer the functionality of a side spray with the streamlined look of one-piece faucet. Pull-down spray faucets let you adjust the water flow, choosing between an aerated stream and a spray. Some offer a second, more powerful spray setting for intense cleaning. Inspired by professional kitchens, these faucet types provide mobility and ease of cleaning, as well as versatility.
If you expect to use the spray frequently, or if you alternate quickly between regular water flow and spraying, consider a pullout spray spout. Pullout sprays can be controlled with one hand, leaving the other free to hold pots or vegetables, 例えば. 加えて, many pullout sprays are ergonomically designed to fit comfortably into your hand.
Before you purchase a new kitchen faucet, take a look at your present kitchen and consider how you use it. As you cook, clean, and live in your kitchen, consider why, and how often, you head for the sink. What do you like about your current faucet? And what faucet features are missing? With those thoughts in mind, follow our three steps to choose the perfect kitchen faucet for your home.
Luxury vs. Bargain: A Side-by-Side Look at the Pull-Down Kitchen Faucets
Lots of pull-down faucets have an attractive profile and some sort of warranty. Most are made mainly of brass with a stain-resistant finish and have a valve with ceramic discs, which is just what the plumber ordered. Now for the hard part. There are dozens of brands, with prices all over the map. So This Old House looked at a luxury pick and its bargain counterpart to identify the qualities to ask about when you consider all the options in between. Surprises included an extra-long spray hose on the bargain model for easy maneuvering around a supersized roasting pan, and the DIY-ready fittings on the high-end model. Check out their other features to help guide you through your next purchase.
Lever-handle pull-out kitchen faucet parts:
- Pull down kitchen mixer tap Spray Head: Heavy solid brass, with corrosion-resistant rubber spray nozzles; docks by clicking into place. Pause button stops water flow midstream. または, All plastic with a painted chrome finish. Less durable than brass but lighter, making it easy to dock. No pause button, which limits usefulness of extra-long hose.
- Pull down kitchen tap Spray Hose: Leak-resistant braided-steel hoses come ready to connect to supply lines. Smooth braided-nylon hose extends 18 インチ.
- Pull down kitchen faucet finishing: つや消しニッケル – three layers electroplated over brass. Warmer looking and more costly than chrome.
- Pull down kitchen faucet cartridge: Easy-grip ribbed lever with sure action. Valve cartridge is equipped with long-wearing ceramic discs.
- Single Handle and Mixing Valve: Standard chrome electroplated over brass. Lightweight chrome-over-zinc lever with easy action. Valve cartridge is equipped with ceramic discs.
- Kitchen Faucet Fittings: Brass fittings on copper tubes; steel hoses for water-supply connection are not included.
Pro Advice
Buy the best faucet you can afford—you’re going to use it every day. Ceramic discs are key. And stick with a known brand so that you’ll be able to find replacement parts down the road.