ケーラー社のウォッシャーレス蛇口の最も一般的なデザインはシングルハンドルです。 “˜cartridge faucet’. 漏れやすいKohlerシングルハンドルカートリッジ蛇口の修理がはるかに簡単になります. ハンドルアセンブリ内の O リングやカートリッジの欠陥または摩耗により、漏れが発生する可能性があります.
漏れのあるカートリッジ蛇口を分解するには, 小さなドライバーを使って蛇口の装飾キャップを外します, and unscrew the single screw underneath to remove the handle assembly. Pull the cartridge up and out; mineral deposits can sometimes cement the cartridge into place, but needlenose pliers and determination are usually all you need to get it out. Take it with you to the hardware store, along with the O-ring, and buy exact replacement parts.
Reassemble your Kohler cartridge faucet by retracing your steps, and be sure to position the new cartridge with the red “˜ear’ facing forward. If hot and cold are reversed after you’ve replaced the cartridge, you’ll need to take the handle assembly apart again and turn the cartridge around 180 degrees.
After you’re finished with your faucet repair, turn your water back on. As long as you’ve tightened up all the parts correctly as you put your faucet parts back together, you should now hear the sound of a properly functioning faucet – silence!