現代のシャワーヘッドには、シャワー水圧を上げて消費する水を節約するためのフロー制限器が含まれています, それはあなたにお金を節約し、都市がすべての人のために十分なきれいな水を生産できることを保証します. 基本的にはゴムやテフロンのディスクが小さな穴があります. 穴が小さくなります, 少ない水がそれを通り、あなたの頭の上に移動することができます. If you want to know what that restrictor looks like, visist 蛇口エアレーター series at Sanliv.com/.

時々, these flow restrictor get clogged with debris, which reduces the flow further. Other times, they’re too small for your home’s water pressure. In either case, you can remove the restrictor, clean it and put it back in. If it’s not dirty then it may be too restrictive for your water pressure. If that’s the case, you can leave it out entirely or drill the hole so it is slightly larger. It is quite easy to remove and replace the overhead rain shower head:
Remove shower head off the support pipe that comes out of the wall. You should see two flat sections where the shower head connects to the support pipe, the wrench should be used to grip those flat sections and turn. Some plastic shower heads will have a gripped collar that you can probably turn by hand.
ほとんどの場合, buyin a water saving shower head wth high pressure system is more important. Air Jet Showerhead High Efficiency Shower is new shower technology tendency to Save Half the Water and Double the Pressure. A vacuum valve is built at the bottom of shower head to increase water pressure. The valve sucks in outside air through atmospheric pressure differences. This forms compressed air doubles which are expanded rapidly at the top of the shower head, causing explosions of extra pressure. More nice products information from Sanliv Shower Fixtures Collections.