How to Reface and Refinish My Kitchen Cabinets? If уου′ve shopped fοr nеw kitchen cabinets recently, уου are out now. Getting extra discounted tο refinish уουr old cabinets is better than bυу nеw ones. Here аrе 8 tips tο behest brew уουr kitchen locker refinishing a almighty success.
1. If your painted cabinets, remove the paint with a chemical stripper. If your cabinets are stained or painted, or clean the surface thoroughly and remove most of the stain with paint or varnish chemical.
2. Take the doors of your cabinets and remove the handles and hardware. It is much easier if the doors are working to lay flat.
3. Check how much damage is there, the offices. If only minor damage, such as dark spots around the door handles, just clean these areas. Use a synthetic pad steel wool because it does not hurt your fingers or get the grain.
4. Dip the pad in a thinner, mineral spirits or turpentine and rub the stain. Then gently rub the entire surface is clean and precipitation are responsible for a new surface.
5. After you clean the surface and remove the dark stains, oil-varnish, such as Minwax. All versions are clear, odorless, and most are available in glossy or matte finish. Wear several layers for a thicker finish.
6. If you find that you need more than a few stained areas anymore, use a chemical dyes – a powerful solvent cleaner, removed and replaced part of the old paint. Ask an expert to save the local color, you recommend a good quality painter.
7. If you work with chemical coatings in small areas, and rub the surface with a synthetic steel wool pad. The painters of chemicals from the surface, even the color of wood stains. Rinse the pad several painters, when they become blocked with messy end.
8. The cabinet surface should be smooth and uniform in color since scrubbed the whole surface. If you find that it is just wipe the entire cabinet in long, overlapping strokes with clean refinisher and steel wool to clean large, overlapping strokes. Most of the color stain remains, and the wood is very good.
It is extremely important to wear protective clothing and ensure that your workplace is well ventilated, if refinishing your cabinets. And do not forget to follow all safety instructions on the labels of vehicle refinishing products.
と 8 tips above, be sure that your newly refinished you can enjoy the beautiful kitchen cabinets for many years.