Rain shower heads can wash your entire body with a “rainfall effect” from above, as opposed to the more vertical water stream of older models (like the one I currently have). If you’ve ever been to a day spa for a treatment and were escorted to a shower afterward, that’s what a rain shower head looks and feels like. Simply glorious!Rain Shower Head Rain Shower Arm … [続きを読む...] about Best Tips on How to Select and Install Rain Shower Heads
シャワーバー & スライドレール
手すりを追加してバスルームをより安全で多用途にしましょう. 浴槽やシャワーの中で, グラブバーは滑りやすい最初の一歩にさらなる安全性を提供します. 浴室に装飾的な浴室用安全手すりを設置すると、滑った場合に身を守ることができます. 家庭内での怪我の主な原因は、シャワー中や滑りやすい床で滑って転ぶことです。. When they are … [続きを読む...] 装飾的な浴室用安全グラブバーのデザインについて
Enjoy Rainshower with Handshower plus Slide Rail
Do you ever try Rainshower with Handshower Plus Slide Rail Bar? You Can Have A Luxury Shower In Your Home! What a great and enjoyable feeling when a shower of rain sprinkles your body. This is the feeling many people come to love and enjoy. Most likely it was a high-pressure, wall-mounted, dual head or hand held variety. Most heads are highly adjustable and have a multitude of … [続きを読む...] about Enjoy Rainshower with Handshower plus Slide Rail
ハンドヘルドシャワーヘッドの交換方法? 単純なシャワーヘッドの交換作業が単純ではないことが判明する場合があります. 何を監視すべきかを事前に知っていれば、難しい作業である必要はありません。. プロセスをより合理化するのに役立ついくつかの簡単なヒントを次に示します。. Choose the Right Shower Head When you choose the new shower head, you need to think of how much … [続きを読む...] about How to Replace a Handheld Shower Head
Surface Mounted Exposed Mixer Shower Valve
Surface Mounted Exposed Mixer Shower Valve buying guide. Exposed single handle shower faucet features overhead rain shower and hand held shower. Sanliv rainshower system can update any bathroom with overhead large rain shower and handheld shower bracket. Simply remove your old shower rail. Take this Small Bathroom Decorating ideas and design pictures for your bathroom decor. … [続きを読む...] about Surface Mounted Exposed Mixer Shower Valve