シャワーの仕方? It's important to know what you are really supposed to do while in the shower. 明らかなように見えるかもしれませんが, 適切にシャワーを浴びると、清潔で健康になります.Shower StepsRemove your clothes. 衣服が濡れない場所に置く. (トイレは最適な場所ではありません, ばい菌が入りやすいので。) Turn on the water to your … [続きを読む...] about How to Take a Shower
How to Install Bathroom Shower Faucets
Bathroom shower faucet with large rain shower head, attach a hand held showerhead, will bring you a fantastic shower at home. Bathroom Shower Faucets - Sanliv Professional.It only takes a few dollars and minutes to transform your shower. Take that old shower head off and install a rain shower head for less than $50 and in 10 分. Then jump in and let the gentle rain … [続きを読む...] about How to Install Bathroom Shower Faucets
シャワーを浴びる方法? 素晴らしいシャワーをお楽しみください
A well known woman's magazine recently ran an article on How to Take a Shower (I'm not making this up). I never realized what a challenge this particular activity can be. Given the obvious need for an eHow on this topic, I selfishly rise to the occasion, and offer instruction to all women on the proper way to wash yourself down. ステップ 1 ***Keep an Open Mind***Yeah, … [続きを読む...] about How to take a Shower? 素晴らしいシャワーをお楽しみください
銅製のシャワー水栓は最近、伝統的な仕上げを現代的なスタイルに取り入れたスタイルに戻りました. 古いシャワーの蛇口とカートリッジを取り外します. Sanlivの蛇口ハンドルを配置するには, バルブにスライドさせます. 過去数十年の間に、銅は主にブラシ仕上げニッケルに置き換えられました. バスルームにトラバーチンタイルまたはアーストーンがある場合, でも, copper can come to life and be nice … [続きを読む...] about Copper Shower Faucet for Modern Decor
10 シャワー蛇口の水漏れの原因
You might have leaking shower faucet because they are used so much. Leaks are a sign that a part of your shower faucet is worn and needs to be replaced. There are many reasons a shower faucet could begin leaking.Loose nuts. If the leak is around the cartridge nut area, or at the base of the handle, the nuts might be loose. Worn out washers. Poor quality … [続きを読む...] だいたい 10 シャワー蛇口の水漏れの原因