アクセサリーが大きな違いを生むこともあります. Sanliv 壁掛け歯ブラシホルダー & タンブラーはこのバスルームの装飾アイデアにぴったりです. サンリブは蛇口とコーディネートできるアクセサリーアイテムを豊富に取り揃えています。.歯磨き粉の蓋を閉めたままにすることは、パートナー間の長年の問題です, but leaving your toothbrush on the edge of the sink is even … [続きを読む...] 壁掛け歯ブラシホルダーについて & タンブラー
最適なバスルーム照明器具を選択することは、賢明な作業です。. バスルームの照明器具を全体のデザインに組み込む場合, 家の他の部分のスタイルに確実にフィットするようにしてください. 時代様式で装飾された家のモダンで生意気なバスルームほど不快なものはありません. All designers know that the rooms of a home should complement each … [続きを読む...] 最適な浴室用照明器具の選択について
How to improve Bathroom Light Fixtures Design for your bathroom remodeling? Bathroom lighting fixtures have come into the 21st century, and now are some of the most energy efficient and tasteful ways to upgrade your home. There are different ways that you may go about searching for the perfect bathroom light fixtures for your home.Bathroom lighting fixtures come in all shapes, … [続きを読む...] about Bathroom Light Fixtures Design for Bathroom Remodeling
How to Replace Bathroom Sink Fixtures
How to Replace Bathroom Sink Fixtures? Maybe your old faucet drips, or maybe you’re just hoping to create a new look in your bathroom. Follow these steps to install new fixtures without a hassle.ステップ 1: Turn the water off Turn the water off at the shutoff valves and remove the hot and cold supply lines running from the shutoff valves to the faucet. Unscrew the nuts … [続きを読む...] about How to Replace Bathroom Sink Fixtures
Sanliv Wall Mounted Wash Basin Fixing Bolts and Sanitary Fixing Kit is for hand rinse and cloakroom basins. Quick and easy installation. The basin fixing bolts are an ideal wall mounting option for smaller wall basins. They are however only suitable for use with solid walls.All basins and pedestals are designed to be self supporting and if you only have 2 screw holes, that … [続きを読む...] about Wall Mounted Wash Basin Fixing Bolts and Fixing Kit