Bathroom Basin Pop Up Waste Leaking Repair or bathroom sink pop up drain leaks repair. Simples tips for your leaky pop up waste reapir or replacement. The main problem is caused by O-ring!
I’ve just had a new bathroom suite installed by my Dad who has been plumbing for years, however the pop up waste doesn’t appear to seal and you can hear it pouring out whilst taking a bath. In fact you don’t even have to lift the plug as it drains itself. I bought the waste from Plumbworld, it’s a Deva make. However their customer service is terrible and I have still received no reply. I have had this looked at by several people and they say it must be faulty. The little nut has been adjusted but still it leaks. Not a little but a lot. Any suggestions as I will be waiting for ever for Plumbworld to reply and haven’t had a full bath yet!!! HELP…. Thanks in advance!
- check the “o” ring round the plug (take out the pop-up bit. Theres an O ring on it.)
- another thing to look at is the adjusting screw on the bottom of the plug
We had this problem with 2 places with the pop-up waste when our bath was fitted. One was the knob you turn when emptying the bath, the second was underneath the bath where the waste runs out. After advice from this board, my husband unscrewed both areas, put sealant inside and sealed up again. Has been fine since.
You will find that the water is leaking around the outside of the fitting, not going through the plughole. (It goes back intot he pipe through the overflow slots). You will need to remove the whole fitting, silicon it down instead of relying on the foam washer and hey – no leaks!
The leak doesn’t go onto the floor, it does make it to the waste. You could test the theory by forcing putty into the gap between the waste outer rim and the bath?
If it were scrupulously clean (descaler, washed off, dried with meths) a very thin bead of silicone would probably fix it without being noticed.