Come installare uno specchio cosmetico nel tuo bagno? Bathroom vanity mirror installation is a quick and easy project. Vanity mirrors can be installed in your bathroom by securing them with clips or using a picture wire and hook. There are two different ways to attach a vanity mirror to the wall, and they are both easy to mount into place. One way is to use plastic brackets to attach a frameless mirror to the wall. The other type of mirror usually has a frame and is hung with picture wire and hooks.
Installing a Frameless bathroom vanity Mirror
Frameless mirrors usually come in a kit with the clips to hold them in place, but they can also be purchased from a hardware store. Begin by determining where you would like the mirror to be. It is best to center it over a bathroom sink or cabinet. While holding the mirror in place, on the top and bottom edges mark 6 inches in on each side. This is where you will attach the clips.
Some clips simply screw into place, but others are spring-loaded. If you have the screw in clips, install the bottom two only. If you have spring-loaded clips, install all four. Before you insert the mirror into the clips, place four foam bumpers, like what you use for cabinet doors, that are at least 1 inch in diameter at least 6 inches inside the edge of the mirror. This will keep your mirror snugly in place.
The last step is to place the mirror in the two bottom clips and make sure the mirror is centered. Having someone help you with this step will make things go much quicker. If you have regular clips, screw the top two into place. With spring-loaded clips, you will need to pull them up and put the mirror into place before letting go.
Installing A Framed bathroom vanity Mirror
A mirror set in a picture frame usually has a picture wire already attached to it. If it does not, you can purchase a picture wire kit at your hardware store. To attach the wire, simply screw in the eye screws on each side of the frame and then loop and knot the wire in place.
You will need a picture hook that can hold 100 pounds. If your mirror is extremely heavy or you have a thin wall, use a molly screw to hang the mirror. You can also use two picture hooks instead of one to distribute the weight.
Il prossimo, determine where you would like the mirror to hang and mark the wall with a pencil on the top corners of the mirror. Now divide the distance between the two points in half and that will give you the center mark. Poi, pull the picture wire in the center as far up as it will go and measure the distance between the frame’s top edge and the middle point of the wire. With this measurement, measure down from your center mark and make a mark where you will mount your picture hook.
After you have nailed in you picture hook, hang the mirror. Make adjustments until the mirror is level.