Bidet offrono il vantaggio di una maggior igiene e la facilità di pulizia dopo il movimento intestinale. Sanitari con le unità ibride WC bidet stanno diventando sempre più popolare in tutto in tutto il mondo, compresi gli Stati Uniti.Se siete cresciuti in Nord America, è probabile che probabilmente non è cresciuto con un bidet in casa. Il bidet (pronunciato bee-dey) is a … [Leggi di più...] about Bathroom fixtures with hybrid bidet toilet units in America
Attacco spray per bidet portatile
Storia dello spruzzo del bidet della toilette
The word "bidet" is derived from the French language. The word was originally used by the French royalty to refer to their pet ponies. This odd etymology exists because early bidets were on a stand which the user would straddle as though if they were mounting a horse.The history of the bidet began from the invention of French furniture makers in the late 17th or early 18th … [Leggi di più...] about Toilet Bidet Spray History
Bidet Spruzzatore doccia per l'igiene da bagno
Handheld bidets, chiamato anche shattaf bidet a spruzzo o portatile attaccamento bidet, which require little space, and are easy to install. Cool water is pulled from the cistern inlet via a hose attachment to produce tiny high velocity droplets. Consumers looking for a stylish, practical, and affordable solution for better hygiene care without the higher cost of a bidet toilet … [Leggi di più...] about Handheld Shower Bidet Sprayer for Bathroom Hygiene
Vantaggi dell'utilizzo di un bidet per una migliore igiene
Benefits of Using a Bidet for Better Hygiene for Seniors and Disabled, Bidets are a relatively uncommon and unknown term in the United States. Bidet is a special type of low sink or a low-mounted plumbing fixture. The main purpose of a bidet is to wash the anus, external genitalia and the skin around these areas thoroughly after urination, defecation, or even otherwise. Bidè … [Leggi di più...] about Benefits of Using a Bidet for Better Hygiene
Quick Facts About Bidet Benefits
Quick Facts About Bidet Benefits - A professional tip about the Bidet. An Elegant Solution for Comfort, Health, Happiness, Ecology, and Economy. The Device That Can Save Your Health.Bidets cost from $29 per $3,780. Over 30 models are less than $100. All models available from Sanliv catalog. With many bidets you never touch yourself nor wipe yourself, and you end up … [Leggi di più...] about Quick Facts About Bidet Benefits