Rubinetto per vaso da bagno con cascata in ceramica-28501.
Ceramic wah lavabo rubinetto, cascata rubinetto lavabo bagno.
The elegant design of both the vessel sink and faucet is often enhanced when you see water flow from one to the other. Many vessel faucets are designed to flow water into the sink as if you were pouring it from a larger dish. Others offer a streamlined flow like that from a garden hose, which has a more subtle impact.
One of the most popular choices in vessel faucets is the waterfall vessel faucet. Questi rubinetti sparsi acqua fuori attraverso una distanza maggiore di rubinetti ordinarie, e rilasciarlo in un flusso costante, dandogli l'aspetto di una cascata. Questo sguardo funziona bene sia per alta e bassa profilo rubinetti.