How to Clean or Remove Rust Spots from a Shower Panel. Taking a shower with shower panels is somewhat like walking through a carwash. Any shower wall panel must fulfil three basic requirements: it must be waterproof; it must be easy to keep clean; the shower wall must look good.
Step One – Cleaning the Area
Wet the rust area with warm water. Gently rub the pumice stone over the rust stain. Rubbing lightly will ensure that you don’t damage the shower panel.
Step Two – Scrubbing the Area
Wipe away any residue left by the pumice stone. Squirt some of the lemon juice on to the affected area. Next, pour a small amount of baking soda into the bowl. Dip the toothbrush into the baking soda and scrub the panel. Make sure you are being particularly careful not to scratch or damage the surface in any way.
Step Three – Rinsing the Area
Rinse away the lemon juice and baking soda with warm water. Wipe down the panel with the cleaning cloth. If any of the rust remains, you can repeat the process until the rust has been completed eliminated. Check the surface of the panels regularly for more rust.
Hope these free tips can help you to Clean or Remove Rust Spots from a Shower Panel in your bathroom. If you have further questions, thanks to leave your comments below.
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