Faucet literally means a device to regulate the flow of liquid from a reservoir where it is kept. toutefois, tub and shower faucets that we use in the bathroom today are much more technologically advanced. Bath faucets are not only meant to regulate the flow of water but optimize the use of bathroom sink too such as a higher spout of the … [Lire la suite...] about Bathroom Faucet – Robinet de baignoire et douche
robinet de douche de bain
Robinet de douche dissimulé pour salle de bain-61830
Traditionnel Chrome poli / robinet de douche en laiton par Sanliv. Single Handle Concealed Bathroom Shower Faucet Includes Following Parts: 1. Metal Lever Handle, Also Available In Tub/Shower Model; 2. Posi-Temp Pressure Balancing Valve Cartridge.This single handle shower faucet offers a dependable, classic design to create a flawless look in any bathroom. Available in an array … [Lire la suite...] about Concealed Bathroom Shower Faucet-61830
Mitigeur bain-61840
Spécification:Bain encastré Robinet de douche Produits Description: … [Lire la suite...] about Concealed bath mixer-61840
Baignoire mélangeur-61703
Spécification: Description des produits: MATERIALCopper … [Lire la suite...] about Bathtub mixer-61703
Spécification: Description des produits: … [Lire la suite...] about Bathtub-23012