Comment réparer un robinet de cuisine ou de salle de bain qui goutte? Personne n'aime un robinet qui goutte. Aujourd'hui, nous allons vous montrer comment réparer votre robinet qui coule avec une relative facilité.
Votre robinet utilise des vannes simples qui contrôlent le débit d'eau. Il existe plusieurs types de vannes dans votre robinet qui contrôlent le débit d'eau: compression, disque, Balle, et cartouche pour ne nommer que quelques-unes des valves les plus courantes. We’ll focus on the compression valve for today’s post. While repairing your faucet, locate and shut off the valves in the lines for both hot and cold water.
The first thing to know when repairing your dripping faucet is what kind of valve is inside. If you have the owner’s manual, you can find out the specific model and brand and all the information you need to get started. Si non, simply take the faucet to your local home improvement store and get help finding the necessary parts.
Follow these steps to repair your dripping faucet:
1) Shut off the water supply.
2) Open the faucet’s handle to eliminate water pressure.
3) Remove the trim cap on the faucet with a small screwdriver.
4) Use a crescent wrench to remove the nut inside.
5) Carefully lift the spindle out of the faucet.
6) Remove the O-ring and replace it if necessary.
7) Look over the seat and replace it if it is damaged.
8) Install the valve.
9) Place the handle back on the faucet.
10) Test to make sure it’s working properly.
Follow these steps to replace your dripping faucet:
1) Shut off the water supply.
2) Open the faucet’s handle to eliminate water pressure.
3) Loosen the nuts located at the shutoff valves and base of the faucet itself.
4) Remove the supply tubes.
5) Carefully remove the locknuts that anchor the faucet to the sink.
6) Lift the faucet out.
7) Si nécessaire, replace damaged spray hose and supply tubes.
8) Place the rubber gasket on the sink where your faucet will be set. If you don’t have a rubber gasket use plumber’s putty instead.
9) Set the faucet into position.
10) Attach the faucet locknuts (located under the sink) to fasten it firmly to your sink.
11) Hook the supply lines back up.
12) Test to make sure it’s working properly.
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We will provide more faucet repair tips for your dripping faucet repair.