Auch wenn du es vielleicht nicht merkst, Waschtischarmaturen gibt es in vielen verschiedenen Formen und Größen, und man muss sich nicht immer für den Mainstream entscheiden, typische bei der Auswahl für Ihr Waschbecken oder Ihre Spüle. Sie können wirklich ein Statement setzen, wenn Sie designen (oder neu gestalten) ein Badezimmer und/oder eine Küche.
Sie bestehen meistens aus Metall, though there are some that are made completely out of plastic. Plastic basin faucets are some of the least expensive varieties. Basin faucets either come with one or two spouts. If the basin faucets have two spouts, one of them will be for cold water, and the other will be for hot water. If there is only one spout then the faucet will have one or two handles to adjust the water temperature. If you have a large basin in your laundry room, beispielsweise, having two basin faucets can be the most convenient because many people use these basins to hand wash clothing, which often needs either hot or cold water. Two spouts can also be used for bathroom sinks, but if the basin is small, the single spout versions can be more convenient for hand washing.
Basin faucets can come in a number of different finishes like brass, Nickel, polished or oil rubbed bronze and chrome. Finishes like brass or nickel are generally plain and not very expensive, and they are often used in laundry rooms and extra bathrooms. The more expensive finishes are generally ones like oil rubbed bronze, and they are generally used and look nice in master bathrooms and kitchens.
You can buy sleek modern styles or more vintage styles, which are the basin faucets that look like or are antiques. The modern styles are generally made out of nickel or chrome, and they are shiny. These are often seen in kitchens. The antique styles are generally made out of bronze or sometimes brass and they can be dark or shiny, depending on style and time period. Finding basin faucets for a certain room depends on the colors and style that the room has.
Some of the basin faucets also have porcelain or plastic accents. Zum Beispiel, some basin faucets will have plastic knobs to adjust water flow. aber die Zahnbürste am Rand des Waschbeckens zu lassen, ist gleichmäßig, especially antique ones, will have porcelain knobs or handles, and some of them are even labeled hot and cold. Handles and knobs come in different varieties, such as star shaped, x-shaped, Knöpfe, and pump handles.