Simply installing low-flow tap or faucet aerators can reduce water consumption by as much as 70 percent. Sanliv إشباع بالهواء الصنبور والدش restrictor مفيد للحد من استهلاك المياه. Try Sanliv faucet water saving aerator to reduce your home water consumption.
Aerators of water taps
Install low pressure taps to reduce the volume of water used and stop wastage. It combines air flowing out of the tap with water without affecting water pressure. These taps reduce water flow by half and also minimize splashing.
Spray flow for low flow water taps
spray flows are used in low flow conditions, where other flow types aerators cannot work properly, spray flows help by spread the tap’s water stream over a larger area. They are useful in washing your hands and in public toilets to reduce water consumption.