كيفية اختيار المطبخ حنفية المغسلة والحنفيات الحمام للاستحمام? نصائح لتختار جيدة صنبور المطبخ والحمام الحنفيات بطريقة ببساطة عدة.
Suitable Style
The Faucet should match the characteristics of washbasin, بالوعة وحوض استحمام. على سبيل المثال, حفرة واحدة واحدة تناسب صنبور حفرة مغسلة, وحدد مركز صنبور مركز تناسب مجموعة مغسلة.
Proper Function
According to different purposes of the faucets, there are faucets for washbasin, حوض الاستحمام, shower and sink. According to different functions of the faucets, there are hot/cold faucets, pressure-balanced faucets, thermostatic faucets and electrical sensor faucets.
Fine Finish
A well chrome-plated faucet looks dignified and with a little verdant color, when it looks pale, the plating density is not up to standard, when touched by hand or eye-observed, there must be no scratches, sand holes and oxidized spots. Our faucets have been proved to meet high requirement of United States and European chrome-plating standard.
Operation Inspection
Handles must be smooth and easy to operate for high-quality faucets. There shall be no sticking and tightness under the proper movement of the faucet handles. Each part must be tightly assembled.
It is the heart of the faucet.
A good cartridge guarantees endurance of 500,000 cycles even under using condition with unstable water pressure.