محمول بيديت البخاخ هو صحية أكثر بكثير وأكثر كفاءة من ورق التواليت وحده فقط. نعم, تعتبر رشاشات بيديت المحمولة باليد رائعة للحفاظ على النظافة المناسبة بعد استخدام المرحاض. إنها إلى حد بعيد نسخة متفوقة من المراحيض التقليدية لأنها قادرة على توفير تحكم أفضل ومزيد من ضغط الماء. مع هذه المراحيض المحمولة, لا تحتاج إلى ورق تواليت بعد الآن - مجرد منشفة لتجف. You do not need to enlist the help of a plumber to attach a handheld bidet to the same water line as the toilet. Not only does it save you quite a fair bit of money, but it is also very environmental friendly as it allows you to cut back on toilet paper use. The handheld bidet also has some pretty nifty health benefits when it comes to cases of hemorrhoids. It’s a handy gadget for just under $5, do not trust USD50 from USA or Europe, can never cost big more than $5!
Most Benefits and Advantages by using Handheld Bidet Sprayers:
- Superior Personal Cleaning
- More Convenient and Faster than Toilet Paper
- Helps with Hemorroids and Rectal Itch
- Best for the Environment; Saves Trees and Lessens Solid Waste
- Makes Washing Cloth Diapers a Breeze
- Great for Cleaning In and Around the Toilet
This guide is for people who plan to buy a handheld bidet. There are quite a few choices that you have to make when it comes to buying handheld bidets. Thus, you need to ensure you look out for the correct things.
Variable Control Valve – If a certain bidet model has this, then its means the flow is easily adjustable on that particular unit. The flow on a variable unit tends to range from 0 psi (off) to household water pressure (normally ~125 psi). The variable control means that you can easily adjust water flow to your own comfort.
Hoses – Helps to ensure you have everything needed to connect the handheld bidet unit to your toilet. Most of the sellers that are cheap do not include a hose to go from the handheld bidet spray unit to the wall outlet. Hoses are generally made of flexible PVC, but a more sturdy option is braided stainless steel.
مادة – The design of a handheld shower bidet sprayer is extremely important. Most sprayers are now made from ABS plastic which is highly durable and does not get scratched easily. If you are looking to buy a more durable sprayer, then you can consider getting a portable handheld bidet which is coated with chrome. This will be a good investment to make.
A good test to see whether the seller is reliable is to check if their parts come with any warranty. A standard warranty is usually 1 year, but there are some sellers that will offer more.