How to Switch from Cast Iron to Copper Piping? Switching from cast iron to copper piping for residential hot water can be done by the home handy-person. Copper piping retains heat and resists corrosion much better than cast iron. Follow these steps to replace cast iron piping with copper.Tools and Materials You Will Need * Red brass (85% النحاس, 15% النيكل) piping, 12-قدم … [قراءة المزيد...] about Switching from cast iron to copper piping
تركيبات السباكة & اللوازم
إصلاح انسداد المرحاض: Fixing An Overflowing Toilet Bowl
إصلاح انسداد المرحاض: How to Fix an Overflowing Toilet Bowl. A toilet is a bathroom fixture that usually consists of a water-flushed bowl and seat. Plumbing Concerns: Fixing An Overflowing Toilet Bowl. An overflowing toilet bowl always manages to cause a certain amount of anxiety in a household. When you see the water filling up in the bowl, and rising to the rim, you feel … [قراءة المزيد...] about Clogged Toilet Repair: Fixing An Overflowing Toilet Bowl
كيفية اكتشاف تسربات المياه في المطبخ والحمام
How to check and fix hidden water leaks in your kitchen and bathroom. Find out how to detect hidden water leaks in your home using water meter, food coloring and paper towels. Damaging water leaks in your home are often quite easy to identify and fix. Major breaks in water pipes are noticed right away and the damage can be repaired rather quickly. What you may not realize is … [قراءة المزيد...] about How to detect water leaks in your kitchen and bathroom
استبدال المرحاض: دليل تركيب مرحاض جديد
تركيب المرحاض: دليل تركيب مرحاض جديد. نصيحة مجانية حول كيفية تركيب المرحاض أو استبدال المرحاض. واحدة من أكثر وظائف الحمام التي تستغرق وقتًا طويلاً بالنسبة للسباك هي تركيب المرحاض بالكامل. في حين أن السباكين جيدون في ذلك ولديهم بالتأكيد الكثير من الخبرة تحت أحزمتهم, there are many do-it-yourselfers who take this challenge. And if you … [قراءة المزيد...] حول استبدال المرحاض: دليل تركيب مرحاض جديد
Actions You Can Take To Reduce Lead In Drinking Water
Lead in Drinking Water: Actions You Can Take To Reduce Lead In Drinking Water, Flush Your Pipes Before Drinking. Sources of Lead in Drinking Water.EPA 810-F-93-001 June 1993Flush Your Pipes Before Drinking Anytime the water in a particular faucet has not been used for six hours or longer, "flush" your cold-water pipes by running the water until it becomes as cold as … [قراءة المزيد...] about Actions You Can Take To Reduce Lead In Drinking Water