How to replace a hand held Shower Head? Sometimes a simple shower head replacement job can turn out to be anything but simple. It doesn't have to be a difficult task if you know before hand what to watch for. Here are some simple tips to help make the process more streamlined. Choose the Right Shower Head When you choose the new shower head, you need to think of how much … [قراءة المزيد...] about How to Replace a Handheld Shower Head
حامل رأس دش
استبدال قوس دش محمول قابل للتعديل
استبدال قوس دش محمول قابل للتعديل - كيفية استبدال حامل الدش اليدوي لرأس الدش? بعد وقت طويل باستخدام, يتم فك هيكل الدش أو حامل الدش وسقوط رأس الدش اليدوي بسهولة من حاملات الدش.استبدال براكيت الدش المحمول سهل للغاية. Using screw drivers to remove the screw from the shower holder or shower braket from … [قراءة المزيد...] about Adjustable handheld shower bracket replacement
The history of shower culture
The history of shower culture - ancient shower culture, Christian's baptism, neoteric shower culture – family shower's development till the first bathtub.Ancient people normally go to levee after shower, or ablution before feting to god. These are the very formal convenances; Confucius and other famous poets also highly apprecited baptism. And nowadays shower is not only … [قراءة المزيد...] about The history of shower culture
brass rainshower head-BF15
وصف المنتجات: brass rainshower head, rainfall top shower head Shape: Round Water Outlet: Rainfall Type: Overhead Shower Material: brass Specification: 6", 8" brass rainshower head … [قراءة المزيد...] about brass rainshower head-BF15
محمول صاحب الدش H26
التوابل:دش حامل: … [قراءة المزيد...] about Handheld Showerhead Holder-H26